Our annual village show
Everybody and anybody can help! This can be either through donations to Sponsor Board, Hanging Basket scheme, Friends of Starbeck in Bloom or private donations. Our annual budget for flowers is over £3500 so any amount is very welcome. Help in kind comes from many businesses eg Colton Signs for signage boards Taylors of Harrogate for annual sponsorship of Annual Village Show Physical help is also required all year round.
Weekly work parties each Wednesday evening do all the planting and replanting of the High Street displays, maintenance on our sustainable flower beds and library garden, sweeping and weeding of all district to complement the efforts by our HBC Street cleansers, maintenance of Railway station platforms and the Cenotaph.
No horticultural skills are needed just a will to make our community a better place!
If you would like to support us in 2024, you can do so by becoming a ‘Friend of Starbeck in Bloom’ for a modest minimum donation of £10. Thank you.